Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapies
At WellYou we elevate your Oxygen Therapy experience by integrating Targeted Light Therapy. This powerful combination maximises the physiological benefits, enhancing the therapeutic effects of both treatments. While Oxygen Therapy increases tissue oxygenation, the addition of Targeted Light Therapy further amplifies these benefits, making each session more effective and rejuvenating.
m-HBOT (Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)
What is m-HBOT?
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a non-invasive, painless therapy that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised chamber. This non-invasive therapy allows for increased oxygen absorption into the body’s fluids, plasma, and tissues. The increase in Oxygen provided is enough to help the body's innate ability to heal and regenerate faster than allowing the process to happen naturally.
Some of the benefits of m-HBOT include:
Enhanced Oxygenation: Improves the oxygen levels in blood and tissues.
Reduced inflammation: Helps decrease swelling and inflammation
Reduce pain: Improve healing, recover from injuries
Enhanced immune function
Increased energy levels: Can improve overall energy and stamina

t-HBOT (Targeted Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)
What is t-HBOT?
Targeted Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a combination of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with the addition of low level light therapy (LLLT), using localised light pads. These pads are sources of high intensity energy and are directly placed on the skin. LLLT acts as a vasodilator by mechanism of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to local tissue. As LLLT dilates, HBOT oxygenates, which results in accelerated healing and regeneration on an exponential scale.
Some of the benefits of t-HBOT include:
Stimulate the production of body stem cells.
Boosts immune system function and the ability to fight infection.
Decreases swelling and inflammation.
Helps the body to metabolise and clear toxins.
Promotes regeneration of injured tissues.
Reduces fatigue from chronic inadequate oxygen supply to the cells and tissues of the body.
Decreases ligament and tissue healing time.

Some of the benefits Mild Hyperbaric may provide
Anti-aging properties, improving skin health and promoting longevity
Reduce inflammation in the body
Keep you strong, active, and energised throughout the day
Give your body that competitive advantage
Maintain your mental sharpness
Improvements in stress and anxiety levels, sleep quality, and overall mood enhancement
Help combat ageing and its degenerative aspects
Produce more stem cells and replace old tissue while regenerating new tissue
Boost immune system
Helps boost natural killer cells